Wednesday, 14 March 2012

The Sky is the Limit

Day 7, Week 1.  That's commitment.

I would like to apologize to everyone for probably making you want to slit your wrists over the last week.  I promise from now, it will change... until the next time my heart is broken.  Its funny, I know I am such a positive, smiley happy go-lucky guy, although from the sounds of my blogs and reading back over them, I could not come across any different.  You know what they say, love makes us do funny things.  Oh so true.

I am happy, optimistic and so pleased that my mindset has changed, and although I still feel like there is a slight rain cloud of misery of my head, I can see the rainbow, though more importantly than that I can feel the heat of the sun bearing down on me again.  I am happy that in the time of true heartbreak and misery that I now have the confidence that I am a stronger person than that, with a little help from my friends.

How can someone stay upset and down with friends like this? It is this type of thing which has made me feel like the rain cloud is on its way out of town and I feel like even if it came back, I would know how to react to this, and get my umbrella out.

I now have the best opportunity of my life in front of me, I have already studied and gone through the hardship of becoming an scuba diving instructor and now, I can really enjoy my self, enjoy teaching people how to do what I love and to see the look of excitement and transformation on peoples face when they see the underwater world for the first time.

Only a couple of days are left until the flight to South East Asia and I see my new home for the foreseeable future for the first time.  I have obviously heard about the place from so many people and so many different things, most commonly about the ping-pong girls, and the 'chicks-with dicks'.  I have an open mind and people will do what they want to do, and I am thinking that right now I will be fine with all these new experiences, however, I am sure when I finally do arrive , at times I will be s******g my self and wondering what I have gotten myself into.  At the same time, there will be experiences that I am not so fond of, along with another thousand moments which I absolutely love.  Swings and roundabouts, but hey, that's life isn't it.  

Despite loving Dubai when I very first arrived, I am leaving the country with a completely different view.  I think my views of the place are slightly marred and biased by the experiences I have had here in recent times.  I'm sure that everyone you speak to in Dubai will tell you it is like living in a bubble, you don't realise what is happening outside of your world and realise that alot of the people 'inside' the bubble are not necessarily the people you would associate your self with in your natural habitat.  

I think that if you can realise and understand that Dubai is built on false pretenses, for the people who like to live the high life, its a place in which people who have money like to show people that they have money.  If you can understand these points of views and can be happy with it, then you can live quite happily.  Whilst there are a large number of people in this country who are materialistic, lie and back stab you - that's just the Arab way.  However, like I always say, you cannot tar everything with the same brush, obviously not everybody in the UAE is like this and there are some real natural, down to earth people living here, and its nice when you find them.  

As much as I dislike the place now and most of the people in it these days, there is one thing you cannot take away from Dubai and that is the fact that is the WOW factor.  Everything here is the biggest, the tallest, the smallest, the most expensive etc.  The Arabs have found their money in their oil, realised it will not last for ever, and decided to out their country on the map for other reasons and that's exactly what they have done. The reason I mention this is because I know and I understand Thailand is going to be the complete opposite.  I am going from living in one of the most up-and-coming developing countries in the world, to a place where people are still living in wooden huts and buildings on stilts. I am excited.

I am excited because I think I will feel much more 'at home' in that type of environment.  There are no egos, no body thinks they are better than anyone else and every one on the islands are looking to party and have a good time.  Betters times are coming folks I can feel it in my bones.

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